Saturday & Sunday, 06/22 – 06/23/24, 10 AM – 5 PM | Contact ACX to register.
Established at ArtCenter College of Design in 1989 and now housed under the Hoffmitz Milken Center for Typography [HMCT], Archetype Press offers students, the public, and visiting artists the opportunity to practice what has become a digital age rarity: setting type and printing by hand. Past visiting artists include Amos Kennedy, Jim Sherraden, Dafi Kühne, Alan Kitching and Kelvyn Smith [The New Typography Workshop].
The extensive collection of American and European metal foundry type, wood type and ornaments—originally belonging to Vernon Simpson’s legendary typesetting shop in Hollywood—residing in over 2,500 cases and is among the largest collection of any design school in the country. As an experimental typographic studio, under the direction of HMCT Executive Director Professor Gloria Kondrup, students learn from an exceptional group of dedicated instructors how to set and print type on an impressive twelve Vandercook proof presses. Over 200 limited edition collaborative books, broadsides, and chapbooks have been created during Archetype’s 30+ years.
The Archetype Press collection of original and rare letterpress prints, American and European foundry type, wood type, specimen sheets, and other letterpress ephemera that document and preserve the art, craft and history of letterpress printing, typography, and graphic design.
Saturday & Sunday, 06/22 – 06/23/24, 10 AM – 5 PM | Contact ACX to register.
ArtCenter South Campus
950 South Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91105